Wednesday 3 July 2024



We the Himalayan Welfare Organisation -HWO has been working hard since 2014 to control single-use polythene in Pahalgam town and instead of this polythene bags , while the jute type bags was introduced everywhere in pahalgam region in which the sucess was achieved in the movement.
But unfortunately now some people are in a hurry to start this dirty plastic business again in this beautiful pahalgam valley by other means and style .
In which this polythene mess is again seen in the some shops and business units in entire pahalgam region  and on which the concerned departments like Municipal committee pahalgam   and Pahalgam Development Authority  organization is not taking any legal action against the culprits.
While we have repeatedly brought this matter to the notice of the MC Pahalgam , but sorry to say no substantial action has been taken on the said matter.
We hope that  MC Pahalgam and PDA Pahalgam  will take notice of this important and serious matter and will  take strict action to stop this polythene mess and the culprits will be brought to book under law .
Also there are fast food and chips mess in this pahalgam region where polythene is used in huge quantity..
We request to PDA and MC Pahalgam to take the issue with these companies, an alternative packing should be introduce instead such polythene packing particularly for this Environmentally sensitive region of pahalgam so that the the ecology and environment will not harm more  .One more option is to completely ban such kind of pollutants /things which are causing damage to the local ecology and environment.
We Himalayan Welfare Organization-HWO J&K  are ready to assist in any work involving pioneer improvement and prosperity for the region.We hope that both the departments MC Pahalgam and PDA Pahalgam  will help for the better and prosperous Pahalgam.

We should encouraging people to cut down on the use of plastic bags.Let's all make a little extra effort to help save our environment.

Most people only use a plastic bag one time, then throw it away. Single-use plastic bags have motivated some cities to ban them altogether. Places that have banned disposable plastic shopping bags include:

5 Facts About Plastic Bags

1.It takes between 100 and 500 years for plastic bags to disintegrate.
2.We make 5 trillion plastic bags each year.
3.The average person uses a plastic bag for 25 minutes.
4.Every minute around the world, we use 1million plastic bags.
5.Plastic bags kill around 100,000 marine animals each year.

7 WAYS TO HAVE A #PlasticBagFreeDay Environmental organizations and concerned citizens hold events around the world. The events raise awareness of the negative impact that single-use plastics have on the environment.

1.Commit to cutting down on the use of plastic bags.
2.Save your plastic bags and take them to a recycling center.
3.Use reusable bags for shopping.
4.Educate others on the adverse effects plastic bags have on the environment.
5.Learn about how plastic bags can harm animals.
6.Encourage your community to reduce its reliance on plastic bags.
7.Watch a documentary on single-use plastics, such as A Plastic Ocean or Bag It.

While you're learning more about reducing plastic bag use, spread awareness for this day, too. Join the conversation on social media with #PlasticBagFreeDay or #BreakFreeFromPlastic.

Mushtaq Pahalgami
Himalayan Welfare Organization-HWO J&K